Important Questions for EEE
These are asked frequently in GTU Past Exam Papers
State types of fuse and explain any one
Explain different types of lighting schemes
Explain with diagram different types of illumination scheme.
Explain construction of cable
Draw & explain staircase wiring with necessary sketch.
Define : (i) Frequency (ii) Average value (iii) power factor
(1) Magneto Motive Force (M.M.F.) (2) Reluctance (3) Magnetic Field Intensity.
Derive the equation of Star to Delta and Delta to Star transformation
List various protective devices used in the electrical circuit. Write a brief note on ELCB.
What is the need of earthing? Explain the different method of earthing (Pipe & Plate Earthing )
Thanks to Siddharth Panchal for Listing IMP Question
Note :- Its IMP Questions so Don't Depend only on these question